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The future of cemetery record management!
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Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I use your software if I don't have a map of my cemetery ?
- My records are in many different forms, how can they be used?
- I do not have records for the older sections of my cemetery. Does this create a problem?
- I never used GIS, do I need to add technical staff?
- What is GIS? It sounds too technical!
- I do not have a map of the cemetery, can I still consider NewCom's CMS?
Can I use your software if I don't have a map of my cemetery ?
- Our software is based on a map view of your cemetery. If you don't have an existing map of your cemetery, we can reconstruct it using one of many effective methods. We will help you identify the most effective approach based on your budget. These approaches range from performing an actual ground survey to overlaying your records on aerial photography and adjusting the location of burial plots by working with your staff.
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My records are in many different forms, how can they be used?
- The ideal situation is to have your records in an electronic format. We will work with you to determine the best method to convert your cemetery records into your new system.
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I do not have records for the older sections of my cemetery. Does this create a problem?
- This does not usually pose a problem to installing and using our system. Particularly if it is an area fully establish with no interment activity. We can identify the burial spaces as unusable and as you re-construct the interment records, you can add those to your system as your time permits.
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I never used GIS, do I need to add technical staff?
- NewCom's CMS is GIS based, but we developed our interface to simulate the work flow that is normally done on paper. You do not need any technical staffing, we provide a very easy to use program and the training and on-going support to fully benefit from our technology. if you use a computer at home, you'll be able to use our software.
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What is GIS? It sounds too technical!
- GIS is an acronym for Geographic Information Systems. It is an advanced technology which is map based and provides the ability to store and manage information related to map features. We have designed our software to use the power of GIS, without the any knowledge of GIS. It is as easy as using a map on an internet site.
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I don't have a map of the cemetery, can I still consider NewCom's Cemetery Management System ?
- NewCom's CMS is a map based application, therefore, a base map will have to be established for our software to function. There are many methods which can be explored to establish the best and most economical base map of your operations. These range from digitizing from aerial photography to a more precise on-site ground survey. Contact our client representative and we can discuss the options which are available for your specific situation.
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